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We need your help to get back on track

21 July 2020

Ovarian Cancer Action Research Centre

With your help we’re determined to get our research back on track for the women who need it most.

With our income hugely affected by COVID-19, we’re reducing costs where we can to continue our life-saving work. Your continued support has meant we’ve been able to care for our community throughout lockdown. Back in March we joined forces with our friends at Ovacome to deliver our Staying Connected programme for patients, and our Staying Aware programme has been designed to raise symptom awareness across the UK.

Patients have been our priority and this won’t change. But it’s now time to get our scientists back in the lab as we’ve had to put some potentially life-saving projects on hold. Charities like us play a vital role when it comes to funding medical research. We fund innovative projects, allowing researchers to test out promising ideas and start collecting the results they need to attract bigger funding from Government or industry bodies.

Our Chief Executive, Cary Wakefield, said: "Without our initial investment, we risk losing momentum in improving ovarian cancer treatments and, in turn, survival. Like most charities, we’ve been hit hard by the Coronavirus pandemic. We’re facing a 50% decline in income this year alone, which will have a direct effect on the amount of research we are able to fund and therefore the number of women we can help. With your help we can make up for lost time."

We know Coronavirus may have made things tough for you too, but if you are able to donate, please do. Together, we can fund research and save lives.