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Is there a new ovarian cancer screening tool on the horizon?

20 June 2019

Blood test ovarian cancer

In the news today, new research from Uppsala University in Sweden has been reported as a potential new blood test to detect ovarian cancer.

The research has shown promising early findings that could lead to the development of a screening tool by using AI to identify new possible biomarkers for the disease in the blood. Read the paper here.

 Although promising, this research is in its early stages. Commenting on the story, our Chief Executive Cary Wakefield, said: "This early stage research is exciting as we know early detection of ovarian cancer is vital in giving women the best chance of survival but, unlike so many other cancers, there is currently no screening tool available worldwide. The more focus ovarian cancer screening gets, the faster it will become a reality, which is why, just like our international colleagues, we are funding research here in the UK to develop a screening tool. Together, we will put an end to this disease.”

Find out more about the research that Ovarian Cancer Action is funding into the early detection of ovarian cancer.