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Nicola: I am living my life to the fullest and savouring every treasured moment.

Nicola Butler

Today, we want to share a story that highlights the profound impact of your support.

This is the story of Nicola Butler, whose life took an unexpected turn with the diagnosis of stage 1c epithelial germ ovarian cancer. Her journey is not solely one of adversity; it is also a story of hope and resilience. It reflects our united stand against this formidable opponent.

Nicola’s challenge began with symptoms many might easily overlook. A missed period, a bit of bloating, the need to sleep more than usual. But thanks to a diligent doctor and a critical blood test, she got the help she needed in time.

“It was that doctor who I believe saved my life,” she told us. “She ordered me the CA125 blood test. She said she didn’t think it was cancer but better to check.”

Turns out her levels were raised. An emergency operation and chemotherapy followed, marking the start of her fight against ovarian cancer.

This was six years ago. Thanks to early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, Nicola has just passed a significant milestone - six years cancer free.

Nicola’s story is rare, the CA125 test doesn’t pick up abnormalities in lots of women. This is why we need to find a way to screen for ovarian cancer, so that lives aren’t put in the balance based on luck of the draw.

Her hope is to inspire others with her story of survival, highlighting the importance of early detection and the crucial role of research.

“Since receiving the all clear six years ago I am living my life to the fullest and savouring every treasured moment.

"Being here for the birth of my grandson Alfie in 2019 – he’s my joy and greatest blessing.

I’ve also been to New York for my son’s 21st birthday and in June we are going on a family holiday to Cornwall for the 3rd year running. That’s the best week spent on the beaches and exploring the cornish coastlines with Alfie and my family.

It does take time to allow yourself to make plans when you’re first given the all clear but it is important to move forward and make plans for the future.”

We originally shared Nicola's story in 2023, which you can read here.

Nicola's story is one we do not take for granted. Everything we do is so more women can have the same outcome as Nicola and live 5 years after their ovarian cancer diagnosis and beyond.

Thank you for your continued support- together we'll change the future for women with ovarian cancer.