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56 women in the Bristol area die from ovarian cancer each year.

Brand campaign 2019

The next generation deserves better. Ovarian Cancer Action funds ground-breaking research so that the next generation will survive, but we need to act now

We’re funding research so that these girls and their millions of contemporaries will face much better prospects than their mothers, aunts and grandmothers do today. But research takes time. With more support, we can accelerate the rate of progress for women today and for the next generation.

Since 2006, Ovarian Cancer Action has funded £12.3 million of research projects. We’re now committed to investing in the next generation of research and accelerating progress in three main areas: prevention, diagnosis and treatment. We believe this approach will help more women survive ovarian cancer than ever before.

Want to get involved?

  • Share our video via the YouTube link or on Facebook and you will help put ovarian cancer in the spotlight, bringing it the level of attention it has always deserved.
  • Donate to fund our next-generation research.
  • Sign up to hear more updates from Ovarian Cancer Action.