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Thank you for your click!

Thank you image.PNG

This was a test advert, where we advertise different hypothetical events to see what our audience is interested in. Unfortunately, that means the event you clicked on doesn’t exist – yet! But, thanks to your click it might do in the future. Read below to find out more.

How does this test help the charity?

The test works by suggesting lots of ideas we would like to investigate to our supporters through Facebook adverts. We can then see which adverts our supporters are clicking on to register. Using this technique, we can test lots of ideas and different ways of doing things quickly and effectively. It helps us to understand what you, our amazing supporters, are most interested in as a group. 

We’d love to stay in touch and keep you updated about all the work we do, including when we launch this event, information on our vital research, campaigning, and the many ways you can support us along the way.

If you already hear from us, we will continue to contact you in the same way. If you don’t already hear from us, please tick the box if you are happy to be contacted.

If you would like to unsubscribe or update your contact preferences at any time, please contact info@ovarian.org.uk or call 020 7380 1730. You’ll only hear from us in the way you want to. We will never sell or swap your information with other organisations. You can read our full privacy policy here.