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Every 2 hours a woman dies of ovarian cancer.

But with your help, we can change the future for women.

We fund world-class research that is leading to vital breakthroughs in treatment and detection. Together we will make ovarian cancer a disease that all women can survive.

Join us for Walk in Her Name 2024 - 100km in March

We need change

Many women will already know the disparity in women's health. Sadly, ovarian cancer is a prime example of this inequality. 

When a woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the odds are stacked against her. Recurrence is high and survival rates are poor. No woman deserves to live in fear of either. But why is this the case? 

As well as being an incredibly complex cancer, ovarian cancer has been under-funded and under-researched. There's a gap in scientific knowledge as well as general awareness, which means many women aren't getting diagnosed early enough. This needs to change.

Ovarian cancer is the UK's deadliest gynaecological disease, taking the lives of more women per year than all the other gynae cancers combined.

Ovarian cancer claims more lives than the other gynae cancers combined.png

The current ovarian cancer survival rate is lower than breast cancer in the 1970s. It's a disease that's often overlooked, misunderstood or misdiagnosed. This is why we need to level up. 

How can you make a difference?

Join hundreds of walkers, alongside Captain Beth Mead, for Walk in Her Name 2024.

This Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, we’re calling on you to come together and walk 100km throughout the month of March, both in celebration of the women we love and in memory of the women we’ve lost.

Walk in Her Name

What are we doing about it?

Many women will already know the disparity in women's health. Sadly, ovarian cancer is a prime example of this inequality. 

When a woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the odds are stacked against her. Recurrence is high and survival rates are poor. No woman deserves to live in fear of either. But why is this the case? 

As well as being an incredibly complex cancer, ovarian cancer has been under-funded and under-researched. There's a gap in scientific knowledge as well as general awareness, which means many women aren't getting diagnosed early enough. This needs to change.

Help us raise awareness