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Ovarian Cancer

Persistent bloating and stomach pain are just two of the four main symptoms of ovarian cancer. Would you be able to tell someone the other two? This Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, arm yourself with the knowledge that could save lives.

Let's change the future for women with ovarian cancer

We need change

Ovarian cancer is the UK's deadliest gynaecological disease, taking the lives of more women per year than all the other gynae cancers combined.

Ovarian cancer claims more lives than the other gynae cancers combined.png

Currently, only 1 in 10 women know the symptoms of ovarian cancer. The symptoms are common among other, less serious, illnesses which is why it is absolutely vital that you speak to your GP if something is out of the norm for you and our body.

There is no way of screening and detection and diagnosis of ovarian cancer can be incredibly difficult - which impacts on ovarian cancer survival rates.

What are we doing about it?

Many women will already know the disparity in women's health. Sadly, ovarian cancer is a prime example of this inequality. 

When a woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the odds are stacked against her. Recurrence is high and survival rates are poor. No woman deserves to live in fear of either. But why is this the case? 

As well as being an incredibly complex cancer, ovarian cancer has been under-funded and under-researched. There's a gap in scientific knowledge as well as general awareness, which means many women aren't getting diagnosed early enough. This needs to change.

We fund world-class research that is leading to vital breakthroughs in treatment and detection. Together we will make ovarian cancer a disease that all women can survive.

"Had I known the symptoms of ovarian cancer I might not have left it so long...

Laura was diagnosed with stage 3C ovarian cancer in 2019.

Now, four years later and after experiencing symptoms again, sadly Laura is battling a recurrence. Below she reflects on her experiences to help other women at risk of the disease.

Read Laura's story
Laura Gibbon