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People power - changing lives together.

Meet our dedicated runners and walkers who are pounding the pavement, not just for miles but for a purpose – to raise vital funds for Ovarian Cancer Action.

Andy and Amy - Southampton Half Marathon

“We sadly lost our beautiful Nanny Pat to ovarian cancer in 2023. Challenging ourselves to run a half marathon was a special way to remember how brave she was, and we wanted to raise money for Ovarian Cancer Action in the process to help improve earlier diagnosis and treatment for others in the future.”

This dynamic duo took part in the Southampton Half Marathon 2024, raising more than £2,000 in memory of Andy’s Nanny Pat and Amy’s partner’s Aunt Lola. Their dedication is a testament to the power of community and love.

Amy and Andy Baddle

Andy and Amy

Anne, Grace and Harry - Oxford Half Marathon

“Helping to raise much needed funds for continual research into Ovarian Cancer treatments and hopefully a cure; and by trying to raise awareness of the initial symptoms, so that any diagnosis is caught as early as possible. Personally to my family it meant running in memory of my beautiful sister Catherine, who we all miss everyday.”

Running the Oxford Half in October 2023, this spirited trio honoured the memory of Anne’s sister, Catherine. Their run was filled with energy and purpose, turning every mile into a tribute to Catherine’s legacy.

Anne Freeland_ Oxford half 2023

Anne and Grace

Libby - Walked 100K from London to Brighton

“Walking and cycling in aid of Ovarian Cancer Action helps me remember my friend who sadly died of this awful cancer and makes me give thanks for my own health and fitness.”

Libby has taken part in multiple events, raising over £5,000! She recently walked 100km from London to Brighton in just two days. This has all been in memory of her dear friend Elaine who loved a walk and the Seven Sisters.

Libby child 2


Holly - Draycote Half Marathon

“By running for Ovarian Cancer Action, I get to honour my nanny’s memory and the incredible woman she was and turn my grief into a force for good by raising money to support vital research to improve treatment.”

Holly took part in the Draycote half marathon in memory of her wonderful nanny, Sandy, who passed away in November last year. Despite facing three complex surgeries, Sandy’s strength and selflessness shone through and left a lasting impact on Holly.

Holly Kanpp


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