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Ask your MP to pledge for better ovarian cancer survival rates

Sharon Hodgson

March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month and we want to shout as loudly as we can about the injustices that women with ovarian cancer face and the action that needs to be taken.

When a woman is diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the UK, the odds are stacked against her. We have one of the worst survival rates in Europe - only 46% of women will survive five years beyond their diagnosis.

We are calling on MPs to pledge their support and take action to transform survival rates for women with ovarian cancer in their constituencies.

Ask your MP to pledge for better ovarian cancer survival rates. We've made it easy by drafting this template letter for you to download.

Once you've written to your MP, email us at info@ovarian.org.uk with your address and the subject line 'Women deserveĀ better' and we'll send you your free badge!