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All Wales Ovarian Cancer Prehabilitation Project (AWOCPP) Resources

Project Overview:

The All Wales Ovarian Cancer Prehabilitation Project (AWOCPP) emerged to tackle a significant gap in care for ovarian cancer patients in Wales. By implementing a standardised framework for prehabilitation, including interventions for physical activity, nutrition, smoking, psychological support, frailty, and chronic conditions, it aimed to improve patient outcomes.

Under the guidance of Sadie Jones and a multidisciplinary team, the project was devised in partnership with three gynaecological cancer centres in Wales, focusing on patients with stage 3 or 4 ovarian cancer. Patients' involvement throughout the process provided crucial insights, enhancing practical delivery and accessibility.

Length of Hospital Stay for ovarian cancer patient were successfully reduced from 7.8 days (historical data, range 1-208 days) to 5.6 days (range 3-12 days) during the prehabilitation programme. The project also generated comprehensive resources, such as a personalised prehabilitation framework, nutritional guides, and an innovative approach by the Welsh Occupational Therapy Team, which won an innovation prize.

Robust data measures were key to evaluating the project, reflecting improvements in nutritional scores and recognising various recovery factors' importance. However, the project faced challenges, such as delays in the exercise component's success, a small sample size that limited efficacy testing, and geographical reach barriers.

Despite these limitations, the AWOCPP has laid the groundwork for a standardised model of care in Wales. By emphasising patient engagement, precise data measures, and outcome-driven insights, it has made significant strides towards addressing regional health inequalities. Its success in enhancing patient outcomes, shortening hospital stays, and minimising complications sets the stage for broader implementation across Wales and possibly other regions.

Project Title All Wales Ovarian Cancer Prehabilitation Project (AWOCPP)

Project Lead & Pilot location Sadie Jones - Consultant Gynaecology Oncology Surgeon

Pilot location: Cardiff and Vale University Healthboard

Inequality Criteria Location

Objective Criteria Improve patient experience & Improve survival outcomes

If you are a patient, go to the Ovarian Cancer Action website